Maratona do Rio 2024 - Dicas para correr 42km

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As the Rio Marathon approaches, many runners have been asking me for tips on how to prepare for the race. I've put together a list of 11 essential tips for anyone running the marathon, whether it's your first time or you're a seasoned pro.

1. Train for the early start time: The first wave of the marathon starts at 5 a.m., so make sure you're used to waking up and running at that hour. Try to do at least one or two long runs at the same time as the race, so you can get a sense of how your body will perform.
2. Confirm your hotel's breakfast situation: Not all hotels will be prepared for athletes getting up early to eat breakfast before the race. Make sure to confirm with your hotel what their breakfast situation is, and if necessary, make arrangements to buy your own breakfast at a nearby market or convenience store.
3. Use Google Maps to plan your transportation: The metro won't be running at the time of the race, so you'll need to use taxis, Ubers, or other forms of transportation to get to the start line. Use Google Maps to plan your route and make sure you leave enough time to get there.
4. Wear the right clothes and shoes: Make sure you're training with the clothes and shoes you plan to wear on race day. This will help you identify any issues or discomforts ahead of time, and prevent any surprises on race day.
5. Practice using isotonic drinks: The official isotonic drink of the Rio Marathon is Gatorade. If you're not used to using isotonic drinks during your runs, start practicing now so you can see how your body reacts.
6. Experiment with gels: The marathon will offer gels along the course, but it's a good idea to try them out beforehand to make sure they don't upset your stomach. If you prefer, you can bring your own gels and use them as a backup.
7. Take the curves wide: The course for the Rio Marathon includes a long stretch along the Aterro do Flamengo. To get the best time, make sure to take the curves wide and avoid cutting them too closely.
8. Protect yourself from the sun: The Rio Marathon takes place in June, which can still be quite warm and sunny. Make sure to protect yourself from the sun by wearing a visor, hat, or sunglasses, and using sunscreen.
9. Stay hydrated: The Rio Marathon takes place in a humid climate, so it's important to stay hydrated before, during, and after the race. Make sure to drink plenty of water and use isotonic drinks to replace lost electrolytes.
10. Pack your race bag carefully: Make sure to pack your race bag carefully, and keep your race clothes, shoes, and any other essentials with you at all times. If you need to check a bag, make sure to keep your race essentials in a separate bag so they don't get lost.
11. Take it easy at the Expo: The Rio Marathon Expo is a big event, and it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement. Make sure to take it easy and not wear yourself out before the race. Save your energy for the big day!

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to a successful and enjoyable Rio Marathon. Good luck, and see you at the finish line!