How to STOP Thinking About Your Ex

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In a recent contemplation, I found myself considering the idea of a relationship as a rental car. When we think of it this way, worrying about what an ex is doing or how well they're doing becomes as irrational as worrying about how well a rental car is doing without us. This perspective has helped me to let go of comparisons and resentments towards others, and instead, focus on building my own value.

I made a decision a few years ago to stop deriving my worth from external sources. I realized that even when I've been in a relationship, my value never came from that person, but from me. When I'm no longer with someone, I understand that their life is their own and has nothing to do with mine. Placing my value in something outside of myself is a losing game.

One of the things that helped me was realizing that the greatest investment I can make is in myself. The value I build in myself is something I own, and it will pay dividends forever. This is true in both our personal and professional lives.

In our love lives, we should not see our value in the relationship or the other person, but in ourselves. When we go into a relationship with our own value, we can invest in something of value together, rather than clinging to something that isn't serving us or making us happy.

Building our own value takes time and effort, but it is the only thing that we are guaranteed to own from now till the day we die. We should not look for shortcuts to value on the outside, but instead, focus on building our own value from within.

So, the next time you find yourself feeling jealous or insecure about an ex or someone else, remind yourself that their story is not relevant to you anymore. Instead, invest in the asset that is you, and watch as your confidence and success grow.