I’m Fraser, and welcome to Graphics Card Repairs. Today, we have an ASUS RTX 2080 Ti that’s coming in for a memory upgrade. The user of this card wants to upgrade from 11 GB to 22 GB. We have two cards to upgrade, and this video will cover the process for one of them.
Before we start the upgrade, let’s take a look at the card. It’s a powerful piece of hardware, and we want to ensure it’s in good condition before we begin. After a quick inspection, we can see that the card is in good shape, and the memory we’re using is Samsung.
Now, it’s time to open up the card and take a look inside. We can see that the memory we’re using is K4Z 8325 5bc, a 14 GB memory. We’re going to replace it with K4 Za f325 BM, another 14 GB memory.
Before we install the new memory, we need to preheat the card. We set the temperature at 120°, but I want to caution against using this preheater. It’s not very effective, and I don’t recommend it.
With the new memory installed, we need to change the straps. We set strap two at high, strap one at high, and strap zero at low. Now, it’s time to clean the board. We use isopropyl alcohol to get rid of the excess flux.
Next, we put the GPU on the test bench and run MATS to ensure everything is working correctly. The test shows that our installation is proper, and we have a pass.
We’re in Windows now, and we can see that the memory has been upgraded to 22 GB. We’re almost done, and all that’s left is to stress test the card. We open GPU Z and Furmark, and the test shows that the card is stable.
In conclusion, upgrading the memory on a 2080 Ti from 11 GB to 22 GB is a good choice if you plan to use it for artificial intelligence, mining, or other productivity applications. However, if you’re using it for gaming, the GPU core will fall short before it can utilize that kind of memory.
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